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Welcome to Brighton Safeguarding Adults website

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Brighton SAB

The Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Adult Board (SAB) is a group of statutory, private, voluntary, and independent organisations across Brighton & Hove who work together to empower and protect some of the most vulnerable members of our community.

Our purpose is to raise awareness and promote the welfare of vulnerable adults by the development of an effective co-operative. We are committed to ensuring that the work done effectively brings about positive outcomes for adults so that people live safe and secure lives.

We have three core statutory duties:

  • To develop and publish a Strategic Plan setting out how we will meet our objectives and how our partner agencies will contribute to this.
  • To publish an annual report detailing how effective our work, and the work of our partners, has been over the last year.
  • To arrange for Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) to be undertaken when the eligibilty criteria under section 44 of the Care Act is considered to have been met.

We are required to demonstrate how our strategic and assurance arrangements enable us to carry out the duties and functions specified under the Care Act.

This website provides a range of useful information for people who may experience, or be at risk of experiencing, abuse or neglect. There is also a dedicated area for professionals, providing a range of guidance and protocols on protecting the adults using their services.

Latest News

January 24, 2025

Discriminatory Abuse Webinar

Partners in Care and Health (The Local Government Association and Association of Directors of Adult Social Services) are delivering a […]
October 31, 2024

NEW Pan-Sussex Self-Neglect Practice Guidance

Self-neglect has been identified as a key priority across Sussex, and features in a number of Safeguarding Adults Reviews. As […]
October 14, 2024

Brighton & Hove Multi-Agency Risk Management (MARM) Framework

Following a period of development and consultation we are pleased to say that a new Brighton and Hove Multi-Agency Risk […]

If you are concerned about an adult in Brighton and Hove at risk of abuse or neglect you can report a safeguarding concern at



or phone 01273 295555.

If you feel that somebody is at immediate risk of harm and that it is an emergency, call 999.

Brighton SAB's Partners